Fellows Community

2024 Senior Fellows

The AI2050 Senior Fellowship supports established leaders who have made significant contributions to their field. Senior Fellows are highly accomplished individuals working on approaches for increasing the beneficial promise of AI. The breadth of their collective projects showcases the range of work that will be critical to answer the AI2050 motivating question.

A new class of Senior Fellows is awarded each year. Senior Fellows receive a 2-year award to work on specific projects that advance the AI2050 motivating question. Their projects are often ambitious, hard-to-fund through traditional sources, interdisciplinary, and innovative. AI2050 generally reserves 5 awards each year, but in some cycles has had such an extraordinary pool that the initiative gives more than five awards. AI2050 Senior Fellows are selected using a closed nominations process, so there is no application.

David Autor is the Daniel (1972) and Gail Rubinfeld Professor in the MIT Department of Economics, codirector of...
Yejin Choi is a professor and senior fellow at Stanford University and a MacArthur Fellow. She was formerly...
Carla Gomes is the Ron and Antonia Nielsen Professor of Computing and Information Science at Cornell University, where...
Roger Grosse is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, Schwartz-Reisman Chair in Technology...
Michael Wooldridge is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. He has published more than...
2024 Early Career Fellows

The AI2050 Early Career Fellowship is an enabling fellowship to encourage postdoctoral and pre-tenure researchers from around the world to pursue bold and ambitious work on hard problems in AI, which often is multidisciplinary and typically hard to fund. Each year, AI2050 generally reserves 15 awards, but in some cycles the initiative has had such an extraordinary pool that it names more than fifteen fellows.

AI2050 Early Career Fellows receive an award to support a two year project that advances their research and receive non-monetary support, such as connections to stakeholders to help them advance their research and amplify its results. Early Career Fellows are selected using a closed nomination process, so there is no application.

Dr. Sara Beery is the Homer A. Burnell Career Development Professor in the MIT Faculty of Artificial Intelligence...
Sarah is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Cornell. She is interested in the interplay...
Tim Dettmers is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a Research Scientist at the Allen Institute...
Simon S. Du is an Assistant Professor at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering...
Gabriele Farina is an Assistant Professor at MIT EECS and LIDS. His research combines techniques and notions of...
Anjalie Field is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department, Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins...
Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi is an Associate Professor at MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and Institute...
Yoon Kim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and a...
Pang Wei Koh is an assistant professor in the Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the...
Aviral Kumar is an Assistant Professor of CS and ML and CMU. His research focuses on reinforcement learning...
Raphaël Millière is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia....
Antonio Orvieto is an independent group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and a Hector...
Parthe Pandit is the Thakur Family Chair Assistant Professor at IIT Bombay with the Center for Machine Intelligence...
David Rolnick is Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Canada CIFAR AI Chair at McGill University and at...
Yuanyuan Shi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of...
Florian Shkurti is an assistant professor in computer science at the University of Toronto, where he leads the...
Dr. Bijun Tang is currently a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)...
Ellen Vitercik is an Assistant Professor at Stanford University with a joint appointment between the Management Science &...
Eric Wong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of...
Chaowei Xiao is an Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin, Madison. His research focuses on the intersection of machine learning...
2023 Senior Fellows
Anima Anandkumar saw the potential for AI to revolutionize scientific domains and focused her research on this area....
Kelly Chibale is a Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Cape Town (UCT) where he holds...
Stephanie Dinkins is a transmedia artist who creates experiences that spark dialogue about race, gender, aging, and our...
Gillian K. Hadfield, B.A. (Hons.) Queens, J.D., M.A., Ph.D. (Economics) Stanford, is Professor of Law and Professor of...
Professor Fei-Fei Li is the inaugural Sequoia Professor in the Computer Science Department...
Tobias Rees is founder and CEO of Limn, an AI studio located at...
Josh Tenenbaum is Professor of Computational Cognitive Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Department of...
2023 Early Career Fellows
Amanda Coston is a Postdoc at Microsoft Research and an Incoming Assistant Professor of Statistics...
Jeffrey Ding is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at George Washington University....
Priya Donti is an Assistant Professor and the Silverman (1968) Family Career Development Professor at...
Dr Linda Eggert is an incoming Associate Professor in Philosophy at the University of Oxford....
Chelsea Finn is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University....
Aditya Grover is an assistant professor of computer science at UCLA. His goal is to...
Nika Haghtalab is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences...
Dan Hendrycks is the director of the Center for AI Safety. He received his PhD...
Atoosa Kasirzadeh is a philosopher, mathematician, and systems engineer. She is an Assistant professor in...
Himabindu (Hima) Lakkaraju is an Assistant Professor at Harvard University and her research spans the...
Dr Katarzyna Nowaczyk-Basińska is a Research Fellow at The Leverhulme Centre for the...
Nicolas Papernot is an Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the University...
Emma Pierson is an assistant professor of computer science at UC Berkeley and core faculty in the Computational Precision Health...
Danish Pruthi is an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He...
Daniel Rock is an Assistant Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions at the Wharton School...
Jacob Steinhardt is an Assistant Professor in the department of Statistics at UC Berkeley. His...
Kai Wang received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Harvard University working with Professor Milind...
Gege Wen is an incoming assistant professor at Imperial College London, co-appointed by the Earth...
Haifeng Xu is an assistant professor in computer science at the University of Chicago, and...
2022 Senior Fellows
Erik Brynjolfsson is the Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI...
Percy Liang is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University (B.S. from MIT, 2004; Ph.D. from UC Berkeley,...
Daniela Rus is the Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Director of the Computer...
Stuart Russell received his B.A. with first-class honours in physics from Oxford University in 1982 and his Ph.D. in computer...
John Tasioulas is Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, and Director of...
2022 Early Career Fellows
Gissella Bejarano is a Peruvian scientist whose current research is Sign Language Processing. During her doctoral studies at Binghamton University,...
Connor W. Coley is an Assistant Professor at MIT in the Departments of Chemical Engineering & Electrical Engineering and Computer...
Adji Bousso Dieng is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University where she leads Vertaix on research at...
Sina Fazelpour is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Computer Science at Northeastern University. His research focuses on issues of...
Dylan Hadfield-Menell is an Assistant Professor on the faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making in the Computer Science and Artificial...
Sam Kriegman is an Assistant Professor of computer science, chemical and biological engineering, and mechanical engineering at Northwestern University. Sam...
Dr. Jennifer Ngadiuba is Associate Scientist with Wilson Fellowship at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the leading facility for particle...
Aditi Raghunathan is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. She is interested in building robust ML systems with guarantees...
Elizaveta Semenova is a machine learning researcher at the University of Oxford working at the intersection of Bayesian inference, deep...
Dr. Karina Vold is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at...
Bryan Wilder is an Assistant Professor in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on AI...
Qian Yang is an Assistant Professor in Computing and Information Science at Cornell University. Yang's research focuses on improving human-AI...
John Zerilli is a philosopher with particular interests in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and the law. He is Chancellor’s Fellow...
Baobao Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse...
Huan Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. degree at UCLA in...